Dual Rotary
Rugged, long-lasting design makes these amazing drill rigs as dependable as they are powerful.

How It Works
Dual rotary drill rigs have two rotary drive mechanisms, an upper rotary head and a high torque lower drive unit. The top and lower drives feed independently allowing the bit position to vary relative to the bottom of the casing - this capability provides the ability to case off upper unstable formations and continue with open hole drilling techniques. Telescoping casings can be implemented to case off upper zones of contamination or to stabilize previously drilled formations. This also increases depth capabilities by reducing sidewall friction on the casing and drill strings.
The DR-24 HD generates two and a half times the torque of the standard DR-24. Its heavy-duty mast is built to withstand the additional torque and larger hoist cylinders for increased pullback capabilities. The DR-24 HD is right at home drilling deep, large diameter applications including municipal wells, industrial wells, environmental wells, exploration boreholes, injection wells, aquifer storage and recovery ASR wells, mine dewatering wells, elevator shaft drilling, construction drilling, and various other types of drilling applications.
The DR-24 SD rigs provide exceptional overburden drilling in unconsolidated formations consisting of sands, gravels, glacial tills and boulders. Other conventional drilling methods can have serious problems drilling these formations, especially glacial tills and boulders.
Large diameter - set casings up to 40" in diameter
Versatile - easily transitions between a variety of drilling methods
Configured to use bentonite-based drilling fluids, foam or flood reverse circulation drilling
Drills the straightest holes - carbide casing shoe combined with independent drives for the drill head and casing
Municipal Wells
Industrial Wells
Environmental Wells
Exploration Boreholes
Injection wells
ASR wells (aquifer storage and recovery)
Mine Dewatering Wells
Elevator Shaft Drilling
Construction Drilling
Casing extraction to expose a well screen
Dual Rotary Rigs
DR-24 HD Truck Mounted
DR-24 SD Truck Mounted
Our Projects
See Our Rigs In Action.