Hollow Stem Auger | Mud Rotary | Core
Our auger rigs are designed to efficiently switch from auger to mud rotary to rock coring in minutes.

How It Works
​Hollow stem augers are a versatile and effective method for advancing the borehole under certain conditions. They work much like a temporary casing in that the centers of the augers are open to allow for soil, water sampling, and/or well installation. As the augers are advanced into the subsurface, the auger spirals convey the unconsolidated formations to the surface, typically with no drilling fluids. Auger drill rigs are the preferred drilling method for a variety of applications including geotechnical, environmental, and construction drilling. Hollow stem augers are commonly used for soil sampling and ground water monitoring well installations.
Mud rotary drilling is an open hole, fluid based recirculatory method of drilling. The drilling fluid lubricates the drill bit, carries drill cuttings to the surface, and provides hydrostatic pressure in the borehole to keep the hole open and stable for sampling and installations. Mud rotary drilling is used in geological areas that prohibit the use of hollow stem augers, including: bedrock, broken rock, and dense sand or gravel formations.
Auger / mud rotary / diamond core drilling
Hollow stem auger drilling up to 12.25 in. ID x 16 in. OD
Mud rotary drilling 6 in. diameter up to 400 ft.
NQ, HQ3, PQ3 wireline diamond coring
140 lbs. and 300 lbs. calibrated SPT automatic hammers
Overwater drilling and sampling
Platform drilling over the edge of an embankment, such as a pier on the waterfront
Wireline rock coring
500 gallon water tank
Self-contained decontamination trailer
Rubber track skid steer support vehicle accompanies limited access rig
Monitoring well installation and development
Product recovery wells
Methane recovery wells
Continuous multi-tube (CMT) well installations
Injection wells (vapor, water, thermal)
Hollow Stem Auger | Mud Rotary | Core Rigs
Mobile Drill B-57 track mounted
Mobile Drill B-58 truck mounted
Mobile Drill B-59 truck mounted
Mobile Drill B-60 truck mounted
LDS-75 track mounted
CME-75 truck mounted
CME-85 HT truck mounted
CME-850X track mounted
Our Projects
See Our Rigs In Action.